acut: extract columns from the input files (fields from line-based records) Parameters: -sep {c}: specify column separator character. If the input file contains lines like this: 'one,two,three...' you have to use '-sep ,'. If the separator is the '|' character, you have to use the 'pipe' symbol, in order to avoid command-line misinterpretations. The default value is the , (comma) -os {c}: the output separator (that separates the extracted columns) The default value is the space -c[ols] {c}: specify the columns. The valid expressions can select ranges (see example) -colsizes, -cs: specify the output field withs (padded with spaces) Examples: afind *.csv | acut -sep pipe -c 2,3 -cs 5,5 - -> select the 2nd and 3rd fields. Possible output: ' 123, 34' afind *.csv | acut -sep pipe -c 0-5,10-20 -> extract the columns between [0 - 5] and [10 - 20]