areverse: reverse the order of th input lines Parameters: -e {expr}: define the expression where the reversing must be restarted -i: by defult, the line where the reversing must restart belogs to the next chunk/paragraph. With this option on, these lines belong to the previous chunk. -bs {size}: specify the buffer size to check the previous lines in the restarting expression. The runtime variable is called 'lines'. Examples: acat ... | areverse -> the lines are shown in the reversed order ... | areverse -e "line []= 'apple'" -> reverse in chunks. When a line contains 'apple', the previous lines are reversed and printed, and the process restarts with the current line. Input: grape1 grape2 apple plum Output: grape2 grape1 plum apple ... | areverse -e "line []= 'apple'" -i -> the previous one, but here the current line is part of the first reordering (the last line of the prev. chcuk -> the first line on the display) Input: take the previous one Output: apple grape2 grape1 plum ... | areverse -bs 1 -e "lines[0] []= 'apple' && lines[1] []= 'plum'" -> the reordering takes only place when the current line contains 'apple' and the previous line contains 'plum'