asplit: split up the input lines We can define splitter words where a newline will be written to the output - other words are written as before, as well as the original LFs. Long lines can be made more readable. Parameters: -s[ep] {char}: specify the word separator in the input -w: write the splitter item, too (otherwise it will be replaced with the newline) -c: containment, if the word contains the splitter, it will break the line (splitters can be subwords, too) Other parameters are used as splitter words (in or-relation: any of them will force a newline). Splitters can be regular expressions, too, they must be specified with the -r {regexp} option. Examples: acat ... | asplit -sep "," "
" -> the "
" symbols will be used as in the original html, that is it always starts a new line acat ... | asplit -sep ' ' -c ple -> any word containing the 'ple' characters ('apple', 'plethora') will force a newline acat ... | asplit -sep ' ' -r '^[(].*[)]' -> break up the lines at words that start with '(' and end with ')'