PrecNum - a library to use arbitrary precision numbers in C++ applications

Sometimes it's the case that the built-in number tpyes are not enough/sufficient:

The PrecNum library is designed to work with with numbers as they are used in the classical paper (written) form, like:

... and to avoid the previously listed issues (range, correctness)

The usage is quite simple and straightforward, we only have to use the TPrecNum class:
  TPrecNum op1("56.89"),

  cout << op1 + op2 << endl
       << op1 * op2 << endl
       << op1 / op2 << endl            // default division, see later
       << op1.Div(op2, 8) << endl      // divison until the 8th decimal
       << op1.Div(op2, op3, 8) << endl // the previous divison, the remainder is in op3
       << op1.Sqrt(5) << endl          // get the square root with 5 decimals ([...].%%%%%)
       << op1.Sqrt(op2, 5) << endl     // get the square root and the remainder in op2
       << op1.Pow(7) << endl           // raise it to the 7th power
       << op1.Factorial()              // for _very_big_ results...
       << op1.Rand(5.2)                // generate a random number in %%%%%.%% form)

The remainder can be important in some cases, we can't afford to neglect it.
  TPrecNum op1(100),

  result = op1.Div(remainder, TPrecNum(37));
  cout << (result * result) + remainder; // this gives _exactly_ 100

  result = op1.Sqrt(remainder, 5);
  cout << (result * result) + remainder << endl;  // precisely 100 again

Attila NAGY Last updated: 2018-08-30